Rome wasn’t built in 1 day. Make sure your organization is future proof. Choose digitalization that supports your business and people.
The added value of the digital tools provided is their deployability within the different construction phases.
How can you keep an overview and see where there are opportunities?
A final assignment within this research was to create a model or roadmap so that organizations have a tool to create this overview. The Building Information Process shown earlier is a foundation and we have reformed it into a growth circle where you can integrate the digital tools. This circle provides an overview and allows organizations to display the tools used for each phase of construction. From here, one can then create a roadmap for digital growth. Eg. Bim is used in the design but not yet in the construction or maintenance phase.
By continuing to work on this assignment, we have gained a nice insight as a link to the future.
At the outset, we presented the construction process in a linear fashion.

By bringing the building phases in a circle, we make the connection to circularity; To maintain a building properly, you need to know what is there. Let this also be the basis of circularity. According to Madaster, the circular building economy starts with the digitization of the built environment. The pieces of the puzzle fall together, the circle is complete.